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Ben Francis
Aug 16, 20217 min read
The many hats of Patrick Marber
"Marber is currently wearing his director hat..."

Serena Alagappan
Jul 1, 20211 min read
The Sky Has a Body
"The sky has a body—it blushes, coughs
with smoke..."

Matilda Sidel
Jun 21, 20217 min read
Hozier's Heresies
"Hozier disobeys and disrupts orthodoxy through its own language..."

J. Odolant
May 25, 20212 min read
(box) unhinged
"found this old dress that madness of velvet overdraft..."

Betty Townley
May 20, 20215 min read
Disposable photos: transience and analogue rituals
"with every ‘revolt against mourning’, every disposable camera flash, every giddy notes app paragraph, we keep Larkin’s prophecy true..."

Ben Philipps
May 16, 20218 min read
Eat the Pear!
"The mathematician, economist, and philosopher Ramsey wrote once that ‘what we can’t say, we can’t say, and we can’t whistle it either'..."

Lexi Covalsen
May 11, 20212 min read
So Long, Idalou!
"We’re driving down Cinderella Hill when your knuckles start bleeding. The wisteria is in bloom..."

Kate Granlund
May 7, 20211 min read
On Jesus Green
"the river looked like worked glass today
with a solid surface two inches down
so that, if you wanted, you could walk along it..."

Ben Philipps
May 4, 20210 min read
Elegy (Ash Trees)
"Just above the river, there is an ash plantation where the trees stand in a perfect grid formation and are dying..."

Anna Chandler de Waal
May 1, 20211 min read
nothing - but this
"the world falters -a graceless stutter-
and dissolves..."

Izzie Glover
Apr 25, 20211 min read
the vortex man
"it’s like this: you know the guy
rides his bike round the centre of cam all day
all like speaker in a plastic bag..."

Joshua Clayton
Apr 22, 20211 min read
"I suddenly remember that last year my father
planted three saplings in his garden, each one
standing for one of his three sons..."

Suining Sim
Mar 25, 20216 min read
"Where can we begin but a lack of clarity?..."

Francesca Weekes
Mar 23, 20218 min read
‘Am I trying to disappear?’: Self-Fashioning in the Works of Francesca Woodman and Phoebe Stuckes
"A 1940s movie star glows against a black background. Her hair is loose around her shoulders but still holds the curve of..."

Karolina Filova
Mar 6, 20216 min read
Living in a Fairy Tale World
"At first, the Hansel and Gretel of my childhood stay firmly on the beaten track..."

Malin Hay
Mar 3, 20217 min read
The Traveller in Residence: Maeve Brennan's New York
"An Irishwoman, two Americans, and five French teenagers walk into a bar, sit at separate tables, eat, and leave..."

Ben Philipps
Feb 11, 20216 min read
The Validity of the Merger: Notes on Rothko in Isolation
"Before he began to create the large-scale geometric ‘colour fields’ for which he’s best known, Mark Rothko tried out a variety of styles.."

Sophie Sleeman
Feb 8, 20212 min read
i follow your footsteps through the fen,
dragging past the cotton grass,
slipping on the scree..."
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